Archive for the '4. rooms of desire' Category

Room 132

July 20, 2015

and there she stood
not even wanting her
and light there was
all all inside the light

Room 131

April 14, 2015

Vad är fel?
Er, nothing…
Come on, what’s up?
There was a dwarf…
A dwarf? En dvärg?
But where exactly?
Here in the room. And he was no ordinary dwarf.
Was he the wine mines dwarf?
He was a dwarf from my childhood days.

Room 130

March 13, 2015

Drihten me raet, ne byth me nanes godes wan.
And he me geset on swythe good rūm.
And fedde me be bēor stathum.

Room 129

March 11, 2015

“So, what do you want to study when you grow up?”
“There is no such thing as dressology,” said he and returned to his desk in the middle of the studio. The maple desk.

Room 128

March 8, 2015

The room is fluorescent. A blue fluorescence that seems to emanate from the very objects, which are two chairs, empty bookshelves on all the four walls, a pot with a plastic plant – kentia, Howea forsteriana, type – and a thin, modern table with a ceramic figurine, representing a man with a hat. Objects that without the fluorescence, and with the exception of the plastic plant, one would suppose to be white (yet without the fluorescence the room would be pitch black, making everything black, as it has no openings nor light sources and not even an entrance through which a delver could bring inside a portable light, in the entirely hypotetical case of a stop in the fluorescence). One day, some say, the fluorescence will get red and the room suddenly full with monkeys. Baboon-type monkeys, frantic & hysterical. Violent, aroused and aggressive. Six, seven, eight of them, nine, some with rabies, ten, eleven, some with long tibial bones used as clubs, some with bloody marks and banderillas lodged on their backs getting them, if possibile, even more furious.

Room 127

February 20, 2015

and in the room there were oils
oil paintings I mean
and some oils depicted rooms
rooms well full with oils
many portraying other
rooms, but our delight still
was a little bronze
(yup, bronze cast, I mean)
which I once heard the drudges
call The nincompoops’ anvil

Room 126

February 16, 2015

They shove a giant crayon up his arse and laugh of him

The blessing of flight

A dance epidemic in Strasbourg, 1518

Three suns in the sky. Again, the day of the final exams. The not fully unpleasant awareness of a cuckoo nesting beside him, on the longtime empty pillow of his wife.
– Listen kid, take all this money, listen, do not lose it, ok? Do not lose it, for it is real, ok? Ok?